Week Beginning 23/5/22

Hey P3/4!

I’m sure you will all be delighted that this is the last week of homework for this school year! This year has gone so fast! Even though homework has formally finished I would still like you to be reading as much as you can (novels or bug club). You can always log into SumDog and I will put some games on Education City for you. This will just help to keep you using your brain.



This week I want you to choose a book, it can be a book you have never read before or a book you love. Take your book and find the comfiest place you can to read it. This could be a den, your bed, a snug, the couch, the garden or anywhere else you can think of.
Each day this week I want you to try and spend at least 5 minutes in your comfy place just enjoying your book. It can be before or after school. Let’s get back to enjoying reading and taking some chill time out to be mindful. If you can get someone to take a picture of you then please email it to me (you know how to do this!) or you can send it to Mr Anderson/Tweet it for our Healthy May homework.


You are all doing amazing with times tables and now division. This week I have uploaded a variety of multiplication and division activities to complete on Education City. Try as many of the games as you can. If you would rather practice bus stop sums then feel free to do that instead.


Healthy May

Don’t forget that it is Healthy May. Mr Anderson is looking for pictures showing how healthy we are. This includes food, physical fitness, mindfulness, taking care of our teeth and lots more.
We are celebrating Healthy May at Whitehirst Park. Take part in as many healthy activities as you can and send in your photographs on Twitter to @WhitehirstPs using the #HealthyMay or via email to your teacher or Mr.Anderson (gw15andersonjamie@ea.n-ayrshire.sch.uk)


For the last few weeks of term, we will be creating our fact file about Kilwinning. I would like everyone to try and find out a little bit about someone from Kilwinning. This could be St. Winning, Lord Eglinton or anyone else you know who is from or has links to Kilwinning. We will use this information to create a presentation in school.