Week Beginning 21/9/21


Here are your spelling words for this week. Remember you can do any activity you want to do that will help you remember the spelling of your words for our test on Friday. Check out the Active Spelling grids for some ideas if you can’t think of anything to do.


We had a mixture of work completed last week. Some of you were able to log on and complete the Education City activities. Most people also logged onto BugClub and completed another book or 2. Well done to everyone who completed some reading.
For those of you who didn’t get a chance to complete the Education City activities I have made them live again for this week.  If you have already completed them please don’t feel you have to do it again. Here is a reminder of the activities:
P3 GamesHedgehog and Mouse (Listen and predict) and By The Brook (Read and predict)
P4 GamesBy The Brook and Crunch Time (Read and predict)

This Week

This week your activity is to build on what we have learned about Predicting Perry. You are going to choose a book that you have never read before (if you have a book at home then you could use this or choose a book on BugClub).
Everyone, before you read the book I would like you to use the pictures and the title to help you predict what the book is going to be about. Remember to think about what kind of book it is (fiction or non-fiction). If you can read the blurb then you should add to your prediction. You can draw a picture and write a sentence about what you think will happen or you can write a few sentences explaining your thinking.
Primary 4s, when you are about half way through the book, I would like you to write another prediction. What will happen next? Start your prediction with: I think ____________ because…
At the end of the story I would like you to think about whether your prediction was correct. Why/why not? Can you draw another picture of what actually happened?
I have uploaded a few different sheets that you could print (if you have a printer and want to) or you could write/draw your prediction in your jotter or on paper. 
Crystal Ball Prediction
Prediction Before Clues
Prediction Mind Map
Prediction Picture Before and After
Prediction Poster Before, During and After P4s this is a very good help.


Most people have managed to complete the diagnostic assessment on Sumdog from last week. Well done! This will help me (and Sumdog) set your questions for when you play the games. If you had some help answering the assessment questions then Sumdog will not know what questions you can answer yourself and may give you ones that are a bit too hard. If this happens please let me know and I can reset the assessment.
For this week I have set us a class competition. I am looking to see who is answering not just the most questions but I am looking to see who is answering the most questions correctly. So make sure you are reading the questions properly.


This week as part of our Climate Action Week and getting ready for COP26, I would like you all to think of something you want to tell the world leaders at COP26. What should we be trying to do to protect our planet? Is there something we should all be doing to stop climate change? We will be talking about this lots in class, so you should be able to talk about this at home and share your ideas in school.
As always, if you have any issues please email me.