Week Beginning 17/1/22

Hello P3/4!

Welcome back to another week. I hope you all had a lovely weekend. This week and for the next few weeks, we have a few extra little tasks for homework.


We have our spelling words as usual. Remember to try lots of different ways of making your words and ways to help you remember them.


Last week everyone was given the choice of 2 scots poems to learn. If you have lost your copy or want to hear someone performing the poem, then check out the Scots poems tab at the top of the blog. Your choices are:
P3s – Twa Leggit Mice or Street Talk
P4s – Street Talk or A Dug, A Dug.
Your job for literacy this week is to practice these poems and share with someone at home what they are all about. You can tell them the general idea of the poem as well as some of the scots words that we have been talking about.
I would also like everyone to try and log in to BugClub and read at least 1 book or part of a book if your book is quite long. It is important to keep reading as much as you can to keep improving our skills and answering a range of questions about them.


This week you have the choice of 2 activities for numeracy.
  1. Sumdog challenge – 100 questions.
  2. Education City activities – 5 money games.
Feel free to do either of the above activities or you can do a mixture of both. As we have been working on money in class I thought it would be good to focus on this in our activities.


Miss Johnstone’ and Mrs Robertson’s January 2022 homework Challenge 

DrEAM (Drop Everything and Move) is North Ayrshire’s approach to encouraging people to have fun, while living healthier and more active lives
Your Challenge:  Through January, share with us a photograph of yourself/family being active (after school/weekend) – for example going for a walk/run, at a club, exercising at home etc. 
Tweet your photo tagging @WhitehirstPs or send it to Miss Johnstone (who will tweet it directly) gw09johnstonelouise@glow.sch.uk 
We look forward to seeing all your January ‘active’ photographs.