Week Beginning 16/5/22

Hi Guys and Gals!

An exciting week this week as we have sports day on Wednesday. It is also Healthy May so we will be having some visitors in school supporting us with some health activities and this will also be a focus for us in class. 
Remember for Sports Day we will be going to Kilwinning Sports Club. 
Primary 3 will be going in the morning and Primary 4 will be going in the afternoon. Primary 3s you need to bring 3 items of summer clothing/equipment (shorts, t-shirt, glasses, bucket and spade etc.). Primary 4s you need to bring a packed lunch as you will be eating this down at the sports club. Everyone will take part in potted sports, flat races and novelty races.



This week I would like you to choose a book on BugClub or from home and have a go at writing some questions about it. You should try to ask some questions that prove the person has read your book. Think about the kinds of questions I ask during our reading sessions. Here is a few examples: Who is the main character? What problem did the main character face? How do we know how a character is feeling? Can you find the evidence in the text that tells us this character is… (angry, happy, sad, annoyed etc).


Lots of you did very well on SumDog last week. Keep up the good work with all your times tables practice. This week I have uploaded a few different games and activities onto Education City for you all to have a go at. If you are finding the the 2x, 5x and 10x tables easy then move onto the 3x and 4x tables. 
Education City <—– Here is the login page if you are struggling to find it.

You can also keep playing Hit the Button if you like this as well.

Healthy May

We are celebrating Healthy May at Whitehirst Park. Take part in as many healthy activities as you can and send in your photographs on Twitter to @WhitehirstPs using the #HealthyMay or via email to your teacher or Mr.Anderson (gw15andersonjamie@ea.n-ayrshire.sch.uk)