Here are your spelling words for this week. Remember you can do any activity you want to do that will help you remember the spelling of your words for our test on Friday. Check out the Active Spelling grids for some ideas if you can’t think of anything to do.
Most of you did very well last week with your reading and answered your bugs correctly (make sure you check back for any feedback I have left for you).
This week we are going to focus on one of our SHORS strategies, prediction or Predicting Perry as we know him. We will be working on this in class as well. I have set 2 activities for everyone on Education City.
P3 Games
Hedgehog and Mouse (Listen and predict) and By The Brook (Read and predict)
P4 Games
By The Brook and Crunch Time (Read and predict)
You all did so well on Sumdog last week. So this week I have set a diagnostic assessment. This is just to help me know what you already know and what we need to work on. When you log on, you will be asked 15 questions. You will then be asked another 40 questions. When you have answered all of them then you are finished and will be able to play the games. I would like you try your very best with this and don’t rush.
If you have any issues please email me.