Week Beginning 1/11/21

Hey P3/4!

I hope you had a lovely weekend with Halloween activities, birthday parties and trick-or-treating. This week we will focus on Spelling, Reading, Writing and Numeracy.


Here are this week’s spelling words.


I have uploaded some new books onto BugClub for you this week. I would like you all to have a go at reading at least 1 book and answer the bugs. Remember to read the question carefully and if you have to write an answer then make sure it is a full sentence.


We have been using our description bubble in class to describe different settings. Can you use 4 of the bubbles to write a short description about this picture?


I have set a challenge on SumDog to try and complete 250 questions. Remember you have the whole week and if you don’t manage to finish it all I will leave it up over the weekend. Good Luck!


This week is the start of COP26. Keep an ear out and let us know if there is anything that you hear or see in the news or radio this week.