Fun Challenges

On our last day the children were talking about fun things we could do while being stuck indoors or the garden.

These are optional, fun family activities that could get everyone involved.

Day Time Bath

Feeling bored? Missing swimming lessons? Why not have a daytime bath? Have a bath just for fun, no real washing involved … maybe at the end to keep your parents happy 😉

Remember not to splash the water out of the bath, or I’ll be in trouble 🤭😂

Build a Den

Use blankets, covers, cushions or your imagination to make a den. It could be small for toys to hide in or big enough for you!

Indoor or Garden Picnic

Help to make lunch and have a pretend picnic, maybe you could eat in the garden or in your den? Don’t forget to tidy up your dishes and help do the chores.

Reading for Fun!

Can you read a book to your toys? Maybe you could use your imagination and use your toys to act out the story. If you have time you might want to draw and cut out the characters and make a play? Just have fun!

Keepfit Routine

Could you make a Keepfit routine and teach it to your family?

Tie your shoe laces challenge!           

When you return to school, social distancing will mean you have to be able to take care of yourself and be more independent, one of the things you should keep practising is being able to tie your shoe laces . Check out the different Youtube videos of different ways to learn to tie your shoes. Have a go at all the different ways. Which one worked best for you? You could send us a video on Teams.

Bunny ears

Two crosses

Two loops

Traditional way

Take care boys and girls, miss you!

Mrs Williams xx