Science Term 4

As part of our topics this term we are looking at 3 science based topics.

Light and Dark

The first was light and dark. We learned about the sun, moon and planets. We also looked at the constellations and made our own. We talked about light sources and reflections.


We created our own constellation pictures and then made telescopes out of junk materials. We used our telescopes to look at our constellations and see what things we could see using the stars. Morris joined in with this.

We also made our own junk model rockets and added flames, aliens and astronauts to them.

Here are some of the videos we watched to help us learn the planets.


Next we looked at life cycles. We started this topic by introducing the children to our class caterpillars. They have been named: Sunny, Stormy, Jupiter, Pikachu and Poppy.

We have read ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and talked about the different stages of a caterpillar’s life cycle. We have sequenced this using the titles: First, Next, Then, Finally. We then did some of our own writing around this and the frog lifecycle. We also made our own caterpillars in groups.

Next we went on a mini beast hunt with all of our science equipment. We found almost all of the mini beasts on our sheets. We even managed to catch some and look at them up close.

As part of our science focus, Mrs Munro has set up the role play corner as a Science Lab. We wear our goggles and carry out different kinds of experiments. Here is the corner when it was nice and tidy.

We made bird feeders using recycles bottles. We mixed lard, bird seed, raisins, peanuts and cheese together. Then we hung them on the fence for the birds.

Last week we let 2 of our butterflies go. We will be looking for Stormy and Pikachu whenever we are out and about.