Our Trip to Cumbrae

On Monday 13th March 2017 we went on a trip to the Isle of Cumbrae. We had great fun visiting Cumbrae Primary School and spending the day with P3/4 going around Millport and being shown the sights. We loved going on the bus and ferry. 

After we arrived and had our snack in the playground, P3/4 gave us a talk about the island and some of the things you can do there. They told us that they couldn’t get away with doing anything mischievous as everyone on the island knows each other. They also spend a lot of time outdoors on their bikes. We asked lots of questions that we had prepared ready for them. Did you know that they used to use class dojo, just like us, but their wifi went down for 2 months!

After our talk the boys and girls took us to some of the places they go with their class on a regular basis. First we went to the Cathedral grounds where we were allowed to climb trees and explore. It was filled with wild garlic and it smelled very strong.

Next we went to visit the Garrison. This is where they go to the library and have birthday parties in the hall. There are also bouncy castles put up in the gardens during the summer for all the visitors. Unfortunately there were too many of us so we weren’t able to go inside for a look.

Our favourite part of the day was going down to the beach. We walked along the sand until we reached the Croc Rock and then got to explore all around to see what we could find. Did you know the boys and girls from Cumbrae Primary spend a lot of their school days here, learning on the sand. They made sand volcanos last week!

Our last stop before lunch was the old pier. This used to be where the ferry came in to the island before there was a new one built around the island. We also took this opportunity to get a whole group photo with Mrs Robertson.

After our adventure round Millport we went back to Cumbrae Primary and had lunch in their gym hall before getting back on the bus to come home. We had an excellent time and enjoyed having the opportunity to compare island and mainland life for ourselves. I am sure we would all love to go back for another visit in the future.