Parent Comments

13 thoughts on “Parent Comments

  1. Excellent learning going on in primary 1b. Jack we loved the guitar that you made during stem week. Good job!

  2. Really impressed with both the blog and all the work that goes on. Never hear anything from Arran about what he has done at school so good to find out this way and talk about it with him.

  3. Well Done Primary 1B on creating a fantastic blog! A great way to display all your hard work! Loving all your STEM creations & Katie Morag letters & classwork too! Orla is enjoying looking through all the photos & showing us how busy you have all been!

  4. Great work from all the Primary 1 its great to be able to log onto this and see just what Jacob are getting up to and learning.

  5. we really enjoyed seeing 1b’s class blog with Isla. We loved all the pictures and you are all working really hard. This is a great resource for parents to be part of their school experience.

  6. Amazing seeing how well you are all doing primary 1B! Very impressed with Flynn’s house and his creativity. This is a great way to get Flynn to open up about his day and how well he is doing in class. Keep up the good work Flynn! 🙂

  7. It looks like you guys are learning about lots of interesting things and having great fun at the same time- keep up the good work xxxx

  8. Fabulous idea, having a blog of all the children’s achievements during their time at school and outwith at school outings. Having both pictures and the comments to read is certainly a positive way of encouraging socialising with their classroom friends as well as with family members.

  9. Excellent blog. Looked through all the great pictures with Ellis and she talked about all that was happening in the class with her friends and on her trip. Well done all!

  10. really loving the class blog as we parents are getting to see all the interesting things that kaci and her classmates are doing. love seeing kaci in the awards page they are all very talented in p1b.

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