STEM 2017


Week 1

Day 1

We read the story ‘The three little pigs’ and thought about all the things that the pigs did wrong and how we could do itĀ better.

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We investigated a range of materials that we could use to build our own houses. Our houses have to be windproof and waterproof to stop the wolf blowing them down. We chose which ones we would use and wrote these down.

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Then we drew a plan of our houses to build tomorrow.

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Day 2

We used our plans to create our houses. Some of us made changes to our plans but that’s ok. Then we tested if they were waterproof and windproof.

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We were visited by the Digital Leaders and they showed us how to do coding on Scratch Jr.

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Throughout soft start we have beenĀ completing building and maths challenges.

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Week 2

We have had a busy start, back at school after our long weekend. We have had Claire from Ashleigh Building Services come in and challenge us to make house skeletons using tooth picks and marshmallows. Here is how we got on:

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We also had the pleasure of having Miles Schofield in class who showed us how to extract DNA from a strawberry.

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The Primary 7s came down and taught us about cyber bullying. We watched a fun film clip and then made posters about how to stay safe online.


Our Band

Mrs Munro let us listen to a range of different types of music including jazz, folk, acoustic, pop, orchestra and rock music. We got ourselves into groups and came up with a band name. Then we decided on what instruments we wanted in our band and chose what materials we would use to make them. Finally we made our instruments.

QR Codes

The Digital Leaders came to our class and hid QR codes around the room for us to find. We used our iPads to scan them and work out the secret words.


To finalise the fortnight we manned a stall at the whole school showcase and had an opportunity to go around and see what the other classes had been learning.