Tag Archives: Technologies


We were very excited to use the new school iPads the other day.  We all logged into Glow and learned how to send e-mail to people in our class.  We had to be very careful when we were typing in people’s e-mail addresses to make sure we got them right.  I learned how to make an address book so I could save the e-mail addresses which will make it easier in future.  I now feel fairly confident in using e-mail and our teacher is going to use it sometimes for homework challenges.




In ICT I can use a lot of tools to put information into a PowerPoint and decorate it so that it catches people’s eye.I feel really confident doing this because I do lots of power points when I am at home on my dad’s computer. The best power point I have made was an Easter power point. I was pleased with it because I included lots of information and I put effective backgrounds on it which I got from the internet


I feel I have excelled in Technologies this year as my ability in researching has improved which has helped me write more detailed information. I feel confident in using Word as I quickly type up documents and use power point to showcase what we have learned. I can also upload videos and attach links

Baby mobiles

In technologies we usually work in groups which I think is the best way to get round it as we had a limited amount of time and we can get good ideas of each other. We took part in a mini apprentice this year which was really fun. We had to build baby mobiles out of paper, glue and string. We had to make them in good shape and sell posters for them.