Tag Archives: Social studies

Robert Burns

In Social Studies I feel I securely learned about Robert Burns from our context and our trip to Alloway.  When we were doing our assembly on Robert Burns I took a lot of information in and I hope the audience did too.  Through watching videos about Robert Burns and his life I gathered lots of information and used this to make a biography about him.


World War 2

I have studied many things in social subjects like Robert Burns, Scottish Parliament and a comparative study of Africa, America and Scotland but the one that stands out for me is World War 2 as I created a detailed booklet with extra information as I loved learning about it. I feel it was to my best ability as I put 100% into making the booklet.

Scottish Parliament

In social subjects we were working on the Scottish Parliament this year which I found boring at first but I thought it was getting more interesting as we went along.  I have learned more about how to find things out on the Internet and in books to help me do research. I am also better and presenting this information in pictures, writing, reports.

Natural Disasters

As part of my Natural Disasters topic we were given a task to write a report about an earthquake.  This project was very interesting to do because I had to research by myself and find resources to help.  Taking responsibility for my work was also a big part of my project.  I had to use ICT skills during this project and had to apply several numeracy skills to work out the death toll from different areas where the earthquake and tsunami hit.  I was very pleased with my work and I had very clear goals so that I could work to the best of my ability.
