Tag Archives: Languages

Reading and Writing

I am able to read more which has helped me write longer words in my stories. To help me read I enjoy visiting the library and through reading more books at home I am now able to read more fluently. I am proud that I can read better because of all the hard work that I have put into it.



French Language

In language I am getting better at writing because I am now more creative. When I am doing French I am getting much better at remembering all the words like the colours. I feel so much more confident in French than the start. I remember most of the words because some sound like the English words

Anne Frank

In English we have been doing an essay on Anne Frank.  I put a lot of effort into this essay and I can explain my opinions with evidence from the book.  I was working on openers, paragraphs and including proper punctuation.  We peer assessed our work using evaluation sheets.  We re-drafted our work using the computers and I feel quite confident using ICT to support my work.