Tag Archives: Health and Wellbeing

Think Dance

In PE I was one of the pupils that got selected for Think Dance. I had to practise every Thursday in school. We practised for an hour and 15 minutes each time and it was so much hard work. After all the weeks we showed it at the MacRobert Centre in front of hundreds of people. I felt both nervous but excited.




I have learned a lot about social and mental health this year which I didn’t think too much about before. I want to be a vet or a nurse so I think it is important that I learn more about this. I am learning lots about how we can affect each other and that everyone has a right to be happy and safe. I think that we need to talk more to each other when we are sad and down and we need to listen to each more carefully. I now think that it is just as important to be mentally and socially healthy as well as physically healthy.


I love health and wellbeing and it is one of my favourite subjects but I still need to work on my running as it is not one of my strengths. My favourite area in health and wellbeing is netball and ball skills. I think that I should continue netball as how much I love It. I am also very active outside of school by going to clubs and going outside playing with my friends. I also think that I am skilled at netball and ball skills.


This term we have been enjoying social dance to prepare us for the Christmas party.  At first I didn’t want to do it, but the teacher showed us how much fun it can be and I have persevered.  I have been a good listener as you have to listen to every instruction so that you do the dance correctly.  I think I have been responsible and mature as I didn’t want to do it at first.  I have challenged myself and kept a positive attitude.     The teacher asked me to demonstrate one dance with my partner which gave me a great sense of achievement.