Tag Archives: Biology


I have been learning some new topics in Maths this year and I find that I have been able to apply my mathematical skills in other subjects such as Science.  I am able to use data to make decisions in these subjects and come to conclusions.  Measuring is very important in Technology because mistakes mean that whatever you are making doesn’t fit together.  I can concentrate whilst working and this allows me to produce the best work possible.  I always set myself high standards and enjoy taking responsibility for my own work.


During our first session of rugby I was capable of effectively tackling the opposition by reading our opponents body position.  I managed to arrange our team into effective defensive positions by communicating verbally as well as with hand signals.  Our main defensive tactic was to create a straight line, almost like a wall, to stop the other team breaking through.  I knew this worked because we managed to push the other team back from the scoring area several times.