All posts by Rosslyn Lee


In maths I am not very confident with my work I always worry if I have got any wrong but have learnt I always learn better by my mistakes. I don’t like maths as much as I like other subjects but I like some areas of maths. In maths I like data handling and long multiplication. We have done a wee bit on algebra and I really enjoyed it but I know that it is a challenge and I am going to have to work really hard to get better skills at it. In maths I do like a bit of a challenge but not too much. Before maths we usually do problem solving which I love. I love trying to figure out the problem even if it takes a lot of thinking. I am always up for it. I am getting really good at it now because I use the five steps to problem solving which is read and think about it, choose a strategy, experiment, check it, record it.

My Learner Statement

At school I enjoy all my subjects.  I always like a challenge.  I enjoy learning new skills.  My favourite subjects are Music and French.  I like playing the trumpet and enjoy being creative, writing songs. I like being in the school band because I like being part of a group, supporting others to play their best and trying to play as well as I can.

I enjoy participating in group activities across the school.  I also like to work independently, but if I am in a group I prefer someone else to be in charge.  Practical work is my favourite because I enjoy getting involved and taking part.  I also enjoy taking part in a lot of school activities like school shows, after-school sports clubs and I am on the school’s Fairtrade Committee.

I like art at school and I enjoy drawing and painting in my free time at home.  I like to think of new and clever ways of doing things.  I am an organised person.

Outside of school I attend the local swimming club.  This weekly commitment is helping me to build my confidence as we are a team and I have to communicate with children of all ages.  Sometimes my coach asks me to encourage the younger children to do their best .

I am an enthusiastic person and I’m good at working as part of a team.  I can  encourage others to keep going even when our school netball team are losing and I have good listening skills which are important as you have to listen to instructions from the captain.  I am able to keep going even when I am not enjoying something and I am willing to try new things.




Natural Disasters

As part of my Natural Disasters topic we were given a task to write a report about an earthquake.  This project was very interesting to do because I had to research by myself and find resources to help.  Taking responsibility for my work was also a big part of my project.  I had to use ICT skills during this project and had to apply several numeracy skills to work out the death toll from different areas where the earthquake and tsunami hit.  I was very pleased with my work and I had very clear goals so that I could work to the best of my ability.


Anne Frank

In English we have been doing an essay on Anne Frank.  I put a lot of effort into this essay and I can explain my opinions with evidence from the book.  I was working on openers, paragraphs and including proper punctuation.  We peer assessed our work using evaluation sheets.  We re-drafted our work using the computers and I feel quite confident using ICT to support my work.


I have been learning some new topics in Maths this year and I find that I have been able to apply my mathematical skills in other subjects such as Science.  I am able to use data to make decisions in these subjects and come to conclusions.  Measuring is very important in Technology because mistakes mean that whatever you are making doesn’t fit together.  I can concentrate whilst working and this allows me to produce the best work possible.  I always set myself high standards and enjoy taking responsibility for my own work.


This term we have been enjoying social dance to prepare us for the Christmas party.  At first I didn’t want to do it, but the teacher showed us how much fun it can be and I have persevered.  I have been a good listener as you have to listen to every instruction so that you do the dance correctly.  I think I have been responsible and mature as I didn’t want to do it at first.  I have challenged myself and kept a positive attitude.     The teacher asked me to demonstrate one dance with my partner which gave me a great sense of achievement.


In Spanish, we had to make a poster about vocabulary to do with house and home. My group worked really well together.  We all took responsibility for our roles.  We encouraged each other, which helped us make an eye-catching poster that included lots of information.  When we were peer assessing we gave useful feedback, which helped other groups.


We have worked in groups a lot this year in Music, composing and recording songs on various instruments.  I feel I have worked well as part of a team and even had the chance to lead the team in our work.  Writing the words for the songs has taught me to listen to others as well as to encourage some.  This has also helped boost my confidence in my writing skills and showed me that I can apply my literacy skills in other areas.


During our first session of rugby I was capable of effectively tackling the opposition by reading our opponents body position.  I managed to arrange our team into effective defensive positions by communicating verbally as well as with hand signals.  Our main defensive tactic was to create a straight line, almost like a wall, to stop the other team breaking through.  I knew this worked because we managed to push the other team back from the scoring area several times.