All posts by Rosslyn Lee

Big Dance

In Expressive Arts I feel very confident doing dancing because when I was younger I did lots of dancing and now I do ballet. I have been practising the Big Dance with my class and I feel I achieved a great deal by putting in a lot of effort and determination. The whole school performed the Big Dance at the same time on the 18th of May 2012. I feel that it was very successful.

Think Dance

In PE I was one of the pupils that got selected for Think Dance. I had to practise every Thursday in school. We practised for an hour and 15 minutes each time and it was so much hard work. After all the weeks we showed it at the MacRobert Centre in front of hundreds of people. I felt both nervous but excited.



French Language

In language I am getting better at writing because I am now more creative. When I am doing French I am getting much better at remembering all the words like the colours. I feel so much more confident in French than the start. I remember most of the words because some sound like the English words


I feel I have excelled in Technologies this year as my ability in researching has improved which has helped me write more detailed information. I feel confident in using Word as I quickly type up documents and use power point to showcase what we have learned. I can also upload videos and attach links

World War 2

I have studied many things in social subjects like Robert Burns, Scottish Parliament and a comparative study of Africa, America and Scotland but the one that stands out for me is World War 2 as I created a detailed booklet with extra information as I loved learning about it. I feel it was to my best ability as I put 100% into making the booklet.


I feel I have become more confident in performing on stage as I have taken part in many H factors and assemblies throughout the year. I feel that taken taking part in them has made me more enthusiastic about performing in front of a large audience especially  assembly as my group got elected by our class to do a sketch for it.




This year I feel I have made many improvements in PE one of them is that I can now run for longer distances at a steady pace and I don’t get out of breath as quickly as I previously did because I have been doing more exercise after school and eating more healthy foods that give me more energy. In particular I had great success in our cross country trails at Bannockburn high as I completed the mile long course.