All posts by Rosslyn Lee

Reading and Writing

I am able to read more which has helped me write longer words in my stories. To help me read I enjoy visiting the library and through reading more books at home I am now able to read more fluently. I am proud that I can read better because of all the hard work that I have put into it.




In ICT I can use a lot of tools to put information into a PowerPoint and decorate it so that it catches people’s eye.I feel really confident doing this because I do lots of power points when I am at home on my dad’s computer. The best power point I have made was an Easter power point. I was pleased with it because I included lots of information and I put effective backgrounds on it which I got from the internet

Robert Burns

In Social Studies I feel I securely learned about Robert Burns from our context and our trip to Alloway.  When we were doing our assembly on Robert Burns I took a lot of information in and I hope the audience did too.  Through watching videos about Robert Burns and his life I gathered lots of information and used this to make a biography about him.
