All posts by Rosslyn Lee

Looking After Myself

I know it is important to keep fit therefore I try to eat healthily and get lots of exercise.  Eating healthily and taking part in lots of sports helps me keep fit and will help in the future.

I really enjoy PE and am good as most sports.  I have taken part in many after schools clubs such as netball, volleyball and football.  Each club has helped me improve my knowledge and skill in that area and build my confidence.  Team sports help us to work together.

What I am able to do with Maths and Numeracy

Numeracy and maths is one of my favourite subjects.  I can use fractions, percentages and times tables confidently and this helps me when answering a range of questions.  It also helps me to understand and interpret graphs and charts in other areas such as science.  I also know how to use grams, kilograms, cm, mm and metres which will help me in real life situations as well as using precise measurements in technology.

3D Art

We drew around our hands and then drew straight lines across the page.

We have been learning about engineering and 3D drawing is important to know about.

We learned that you have to draw bent lines to draw in 3D and also the two colours have to contract well eg. pale blue and navy.

Next time I will ask a friend to help as I found this difficult.


Carrie’s War


We are reading Carrie’s War by Nina Bawden. It’s a great book. I like the fact that Nick is positive even when things are bad. Mr Evans is not a nice person because he is nasty to his sister and pretends that she is bad.



Anderson Shelter

Last week I learned about Anderson Shelters and how they protected people during air raids in the Second World War. They were built into the ground and covered in grass. Made of metal and sandbags, they were quite cold. People kept bedding , food and books in them.

I dont think I would have liked to have been in one as it must have been very frightening with loud noises of bombs.




Today we were learning about fractions.  I found it difficult, but my group worked together to help me.  I prefer writing tasks. I can help other people in my group with writing, but not maths.




We were very excited to use the new school iPads the other day.  We all logged into Glow and learned how to send e-mail to people in our class.  We had to be very careful when we were typing in people’s e-mail addresses to make sure we got them right.  I learned how to make an address book so I could save the e-mail addresses which will make it easier in future.  I now feel fairly confident in using e-mail and our teacher is going to use it sometimes for homework challenges.

