All posts by Rosslyn Lee

World War 2 In Britain

Today we had a visitor from the Royal British Legion.   Mr Anderson showed us his medals and talked about being a soldier. He fought in the Falklands War but talked about the second world war.

We learned that many parts of Scotland were bombed by the Germans.  They even bombed our local area. The Germans were trying to destroy ships and industry.  Lots of bombs fell in Stevenston, because the ICI factory was there.  A lot of them went into the sand on the beach and didn’t explode.

I love to learn about the history of my local area.  I find it really interesting and I’m going to visit the library to try to find out more.



I am beginning to read more books. This was one of my targets and I think I  have done well to achieve it. I really like books by Cathy Cassidy because they are about things that happen to people in real life and help me understand about these things more.

I am getting really good at making inferential questions about things I read that challenge other people in my class and make them think outside the box.

Reflections on Religious Education

I think that religious education can be really interesting but I have learned that I have to like the topic we are working on. All together I also don’t think it is one of my strong points. I do take in the information but sometimes just don’t find it very interesting.

At some points when we are learning about ourselves and about our beliefs and how we can help each other more I enjoy it and think that it could be one of my skills. I think that my best skills in religious education are listening and taking in information.

Reflections on Drawing

I enjoy art and recently drew this picture of a tree when I was on holiday. I prefer to draw things rather than people.  I find it quite difficult to draw people. I would quite like to be an art teacher when I grow up and know it is important to practise drawing all the time.

Learning about animals in Science

In science we have done a lot about animals and living things. I love it when we get more involved and do experiments. We once went outside in the playground and looked for minibeasts. It was really fun to get more involved with it and I think we learn better when we do it like this. I like it when we learn about animals as I find it even more interesting because I want to be a vet.


We were learning about Japan in Geography.  It was all about the differences and what they do and eat in Japan which was really interesting.

I prefer presenting this information using pictures and graphs in a report rather than just writing an essay.

Scottish Parliament

In social subjects we were working on the Scottish Parliament this year which I found boring at first but I thought it
was getting more interesting as we went along.  I have learned more about how to find things out on the Internet and in books to help me do research.

Writing and grammar

I enjoy literacy and English and think it is very entertaining. I love story writing and working in our writing jotters. I
believe I have a very imaginative mind and think of good stories. I use Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, and
Punctuation much better this year to improve my skills in writing and I have become more confident to show my
peers and to read my writing out in class.

Speaking and listening.

I am a confident talker and have presented group, class and whole school presentations helping me to become a successful learner and confident individual.

I am also a good listener and can respond responsibly to other peoples’ opinions.

Last week I took part in a class debate on school uniform which I won.  I had to do research, write my speech and also answer questions after I had made my speech.  My teacher said I answered the questions well and confidently.