My Learner Statement

At school I enjoy all my subjects.  I always like a challenge.  I enjoy learning new skills.  My favourite subjects are Music and French.  I like playing the trumpet and enjoy being creative, writing songs. I like being in the school band because I like being part of a group, supporting others to play their best and trying to play as well as I can.

I enjoy participating in group activities across the school.  I also like to work independently, but if I am in a group I prefer someone else to be in charge.  Practical work is my favourite because I enjoy getting involved and taking part.  I also enjoy taking part in a lot of school activities like school shows, after-school sports clubs and I am on the school’s Fairtrade Committee.

I like art at school and I enjoy drawing and painting in my free time at home.  I like to think of new and clever ways of doing things.  I am an organised person.

Outside of school I attend the local swimming club.  This weekly commitment is helping me to build my confidence as we are a team and I have to communicate with children of all ages.  Sometimes my coach asks me to encourage the younger children to do their best .

I am an enthusiastic person and I’m good at working as part of a team.  I can  encourage others to keep going even when our school netball team are losing and I have good listening skills which are important as you have to listen to instructions from the captain.  I am able to keep going even when I am not enjoying something and I am willing to try new things.




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