Outdoor Learning Week


We were practicing estimation by throwing the hoop, and having a great guess about the number of flowers, before counting them.

We were on a Micro Journey, using magnifying glasses to get an ants view of the ground and habitat.


What can we do in 1 minute? It seemed like forever when we did Star Jumps and hopping but it wasn’t enough time when we passed the ball.


Life Drawing in the sunshine. A lovely way to spend the afternoon.

Another great day learning outdoors on Friday. We started the morning investigating energy in science. We learned about how the Earth rotates around the sun giving us day and night as well as our seasons. We now know that the moon takes 28 days to spin around the Earth which is similar to our months. We had a go at tracing our shadows but this didn’t work because of the clouds. We then investigated the different types of energy and explored the school environment.

Later on it was back to Maths.

We played the Bigger Smaller game.

We used measuring tapes to estimate then measure the length or width of objects.

Our  third activity was the Multiplication Fact hunt which was really tricky.