Category Archives: Uncategorized

Bog Garden (John Muir Award)

Work is now underway for the Buttercups’ bog garden. We are adding this to the boat area so it will attract more insects and wildlife. It will be near a bird hide so there should be lots of birds coming to feed here. This was backbreaking work as we had to do a lot of digging. Watch this space to see how it develops.


First we had to peg out the shape of our bog garden. Then we had to dig the turf.

So far we’ve dug down about 10cm, but we need to make the hole much deeper than that.







Listening and Talking – Diamond 9 Task

We had a very interesting listening and talking session this week about what we think is important about moving on to secondary. Most groups thought good behaviour and making new friends were the most important skills which we will use. We talked in trios first then shared our ideas with the whole class.

Skye : “It made me feel a wee bit sad because we’ll soon be leaving, but I know we’ve got to mover on.”

Max : “I was really interested in debating points with each other and choosing the order of things we thought were important.”


Updated by Connor Boyd



These are important skills which we need for secondary school.




(updated by Lucie Smith and Lewis Rafferty)

Garden Graft

All the children planted vegetable seeds before the Easter break and what a shock we got when we came back – WEEDS! WEEDS! AND MORE WEEDS! So we’ve been out in the polytunnel sorting out the mess.

Teegan says, “It was challenging but worth it!”




Updated  by Connor Boyd

Athletics Event

This week a group of young athletes from P6 and P7 went to Irvine’s new Portal Arena to compete in a variety of athletics events. We are delighted to say that we came 5th in the competition and want to say a huge thanks to our coach Mrs Murray. Here are some action photos of the day :


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Comments from the participants:

“It was great fun  meeting folk from other schools.”  (William S)

“It was exciting to take part.”  (Caitlyn)

Posted by Connor Boyd

Basketball Competition

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Slam dunk! What a great day we had at Inverclyde National Sports Centre in Largs where we got to play in a competition run by Glasgow Rocks. “I’ve had a great time.”   (Skye)

“It was great to feel part of a team and shake hands with everyone.”

“Awesome! I’ve loved every minute of this.”   (Caleb)

Gas masks in WWII

We have been making our own gas masks in p7 for our WWII topic. They were made out of card and we also coloured them black and grey. We discovered that everybody had to carry them around with them, even children. At school the pupils used to practise gas mask drills so they weren’t frightened. There were Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck ones for younger children.

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“It was fun making these.” (Ellie)

“I felt as if I was there when I tried mine on.”   (Teegan)


This post has been published by Barry and Teegan

World War II Gas Masks

We’re starting a new topic in class – World War II.

We know that everyone, including children had to carry a gas mask with them wherever they went. When they were at school the teachers used to get the children to practise wearing them. Here we are making replica masks. “It must have been really scary to wear one of these,” commented Taylor.

“These masks were really difficult to make as the instructions were a wee bit complicated, but I felt brilliant when I finished mine.” (Lewis G)


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Posted by Taylor Rennie

Burns Supper January 2017

What a fantastic turnout we had for this year’s annual Burns supper. Our top table guests were super and really had us entertained. Mrs Breen said, “This is the best supper I’ve ever seen! The children all spoke clearly and could be heard across the whole hall. The speeches were funny as well as informative! I’m very proud of our children. Thanks to P6 lads and lasses too for entertaining us with their comments about each other.”


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Connor says, ” I thought the Burns supper was great! I loved addressing the haggis!”

Ellie says, “I served the haggis to everybody. I think the adults really enjoyed the haggis. So did I!”

Josh says, “The Burns supper was fun. The haggis tasted better than I expected. I liked the stacks of tatties, neeps an’ haggis!”

Posted by Connor Boyd