Listening and Talking – Diamond 9 Task

We had a very interesting listening and talking session this week about what we think is important about moving on to secondary. Most groups thought good behaviour and making new friends were the most important skills which we will use. We talked in trios first then shared our ideas with the whole class.

Skye : “It made me feel a wee bit sad because we’ll soon be leaving, but I know we’ve got to mover on.”

Max : “I was really interested in debating points with each other and choosing the order of things we thought were important.”


Updated by Connor Boyd



These are important skills which we need for secondary school.




(updated by Lucie Smith and Lewis Rafferty)

Garden Graft

All the children planted vegetable seeds before the Easter break and what a shock we got when we came back – WEEDS! WEEDS! AND MORE WEEDS! So we’ve been out in the polytunnel sorting out the mess.

Teegan says, “It was challenging but worth it!”




Updated  by Connor Boyd