Arran Trip – Day 2 – Tuesday 22nd November

Becca  – I loved today especially as we went orienteering at Brodick Castle. I managed not to get lost! Big achievement for me!

Connor – I loved chopping down rhododendrons as part of a conservation exercise. This will go towards our John Muir Awards.

Leo – Rhododendrons were brought to Brodick Castle from Turkey and Iberia during the Victorian times and unfortunately they have now taken over a large area of land. We have helped conserve natural trees by chopping down the rhododendrons so our native plants can grow better.

William S – Have had a fund day orienteering – I didn’t get lost and I managed to complete the whole course. We ate lunch in a Bavarian Summer house which was built about 180 years ago. WOW!

Arron – Best part of today was cutting down rhododendrons and building tunnels and dens. Fabulous time.

Myren – Great day cutting down bushes.

Taylor – Very active today – best bit was melting marshmallows over a hot campfire. Heaven!

Chloe – Slept like a log last night. My room mates said I was snoring but I know nothing of that!

Reiss – Had my favourite breakfast this morning – Weetabix and toast.

Lewis R – I really liked chopping down trees with a bow saw! It was fun!

Barry – loved the activities today – fun, fun,  fun.

Ethan – It was fun as well as helping the environment and all the plants.

AJ – Fun day especially standing round the campfire after all our hard work and eating melted marshmallows.

Teegan – I had a great day orienteering and cutting down trees. It was just fabulous.

Lucie – Today was great – we made a fire and burned the trees we had cut down. Tonight we’re going out night walking – it’ll be great fun in the dark.

Skye – I really enjoyed roasting marshmallows and cutting down trees.

Emily – I enjoyed cutting down trees and making a fire because we had to work as a team.

William A – I enjoyed putting the marshmallows in the fire. We had to be careful they didn’t fall in!

Victoria – I really enjoyed orienteering with Dave and Adam. It was a blast and I think we all worked well as a team.

Xander – We learned a lot today about the environment and how we need to look after it.

Robbie – It was great fun cutting down trees – we were working as a team using bow saws and tree loppers.

Caleb – My favourite activity was when we worked as a team cutting down trees and collecting them for the bonfire.


2 thoughts on “Arran Trip – Day 2 – Tuesday 22nd November”

  1. Sounds like you had another great day! What beautiful weather you’ve had. The orienteering and tree-cutting would be great fun! You seem to be learning a lot and challenging yourselves in activities. Well done P7! Keep on having fun:-)

  2. Wow, sounds like you are all having an amazing time. Primary one are enjoying reading what their buddies have been getting up to. Enjoy every day P7 🙂

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