Today we invited our parents and carers in to join us while we participated in some ICT activities. We rotated around 3 groups looking at Sumdog and Study Ladder, Glow and iMovie. We demonstrated to our parents and carers how these different activities work and they got to join in while we moved round each group. It was great for them to see the sorts of ICT activities which we use in school to enhance our knowledge and understanding across different curricular areas.
“I like doing ICT so thought it was great that I could show my mum what we can do.” Brodie
“It was fun to see that our parents were interested in what we were doing in ICT. I think my mum enjoyed coming in.” Afton
“I got Mrs Blair and Kristopher to dance for my iMovie. My mum was too embarrassed to join in too!” Morgan
I know that our parents and carers were very impressed by your ICT skills. Many of them commented that you are far more skilled than them!