World of Work Week

This week, we welcomed some visitors to talk to us about the professions they work in. Brodie’s Dad, Mr Slaven, came to talk to us about his role in ICT. He discussed his job role, working hours and what his general responsibilities are. It was really interesting to hear about the types of tasks he has to do throughout a working day. Mr Slaven’s company provides technical support for technology used within small and larger businesses.

Mr Slaven’s head set for taking calls.
A card machine which Mr Slaven’s company provides technical support for.

Myia’s Dad, Mr Scott, also came in to talk about his profession. He works for a company who supplies parts which are used in the process of milking cows. Mr Scott is responsible for an area from the very north of Scotland down to Manchester so is his job requires quite a lot of travelling. Mr Scott began his working life milking cows and therefore he is very passionate about his job as it is something which he has always had an interest in.

We enjoyed looking at the equipment.
A piece of equipment used for milking cows.

We all came up with some excellent questions to pose to our visitors to ensure that we found out lots of relevant and interesting information.

Science Experiment

On Wednesday 29th March, Miss Scott, a science teacher at Auchenharvie, came to help us with a science experiment. Prior to her visit we had been learning about microbes and both their dangers and beneficial uses.

For our experiment, we were investigating how microbes can be used in the production of cheese. We had to use a variety of equipment such as test tubes, timers, measuring cylinders, water baths, milk and rennet.

In groups, we investigated different factors such as how volume of milk, volume of rennet and type of milk affected the cheese production.

We all thoroughly enjoyed the experience and found it excellent to have some hands on experience in working with microbes.

Miss Scott demonstrating the experiment.
“The experiment was fun and educational!” Emma
“I found it interesting because you could see the results there and then.” Kristopher
“I found it fun because it was a new experience for me.” Teigan
“When we tried the experiment, our skimmed milk did not go hard. It was going to take a very long time.” Jason
“It was really interesting to see a method for making cheese.” Afton
“It took quite a bit of time to do the experiment. The blue milk went hard quickest in the water bath.” Leo
“I found it really fun getting to do an experiment that we have never done before.” Carrie

Sharing With Parents – 24.3.17

Today we invited our parents and carers in to join us while we participated in some ICT activities. We rotated around 3 groups looking at Sumdog and Study Ladder, Glow and iMovie. We demonstrated to our parents and carers how these different activities work and they got to join in while we moved round each group. It was great for them to see the sorts of ICT activities which we use in school to enhance our knowledge and understanding across different curricular areas.

“I like doing ICT so thought it was great that I could show my mum what we can do.” Brodie

“It was fun to see that our parents were interested in what we were doing in ICT. I think my mum enjoyed coming in.” Afton

“I got Mrs Blair and Kristopher to dance for my iMovie. My mum was too embarrassed to join in too!” Morgan

James Watt Train Challenge

After learning about James Watt and the contributions he made to the development of steam trains, Mrs Muir set us the challenge of making our own train. We were to use a motor (not steam) to make our model move.

Using KNEX, we had to make a train that could carry two tennis balls along the length of two tables.

We only had one successful team – well done Emma, Reece, Jason, Lewis, Brodie and Sophie.

All the teams made great looking trains, many of which were too heavy for the small motor to move.

Author Visit

On Thursday 9th March author Angela Proctor visited the school. She shared a chapter of one of her books with us and spoke to us about being an author. We all loved hearing her story and were really inspired by hearing about how she became an author. She encouraged us to start young and make sure that we note down any story ideas we have on paper. She explained that after writing thousands of words for a new story, her ipad broke and all that she had written was lost! T the end of the visit, we were given the chance to purchase one of her books and have it signed.

Litter Picking 3.3.17

The Eco Committee arranged a whole school litter pick to help clear up our school grounds. We were in charge of tidying the field area and we were amazed by the amount of rubbish which we collected.

“I think the amount of litter we found was appalling!” James

“Emma and I thought it was awful that we found things left behind by people who shouldn’t have been in our school grounds.” Lilia

“We filled all of the rubbish we found into black bin bags.” Thomas

“I was in disbelief at all of the rubbish we gathered up.” Afton

“I was shocked when I saw how much rubbish there was from one area.” Celine

A picture of all of the rubbish we collected. We were all really shocked by the huge amount!

World Book Day! 2.3.17

On 2nd March we participated in World Book Day. Lots of us dressed up as our favourite character from a book and took part in a ‘Big Read’ in the gym hall. Mrs Breen read ‘Cinderboy’ to the whole school and then we paired up with someone else to share a story with them.

“I enjoyed telling the story of ‘The Witches’ to my friend Caitlyn.” Katie
“It was fun reading a book with a younger pupil.” Teigan
“We enjoyed sharing Abbi’s book ‘Double Act’ by Jaqueline Wilson.” Alanna
“I read a Horrible Histories story with Heather. We both enjoyed it.” Lewis
“It was fun getting to read with Calum from another class.” Brodie
“Abbie enjoyed having me read a story to her. I enjoyed it too!” Sophie

Our class costume winner was Emma who dressed up as Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter series!