Some members of our class play a brass instrument. They came round each class to showcase a Christmas tune which they had been learning – Jingle Bells!
“I feel like I have developed my skills in the trumpet quite well give the fact that I haven’t been playing for that long.” Chloe B
“I’m really excited because I have just switched from trumpet to trombone. I am really enjoying my new instrument.” Sophie
“I really hope to continue playing my instrument when I go to high school. I’d like to join one of the high school bands.” Carrie
“Practising took a while but I worked as hard as I could and I think I have done well. Our teacher is really good at coaching us. I’d like to carry on playing when I go to Auchenharvie.” Olivia
What a talented bunch! It’s not easy to play a brass instrument (I should know because I played the trombone at school – not very well!). It’s a great skill to have, keep up the good work.
I had fun playing Jingle Bells to everyone