Our Buddying Training!

Leanne from Active Schools came in to work with us to teach us how to become effective playground buddies. The skills she is teaching us are transferrable because we can use them in other areas, not just buddying. We discussed aspects of an effective buddy and recorded these.


She also taught us various games which we could use to engage the younger children while we are working with them in the playground.

We all really enjoyed having Leanne in and look forward to continuing to work with her over the next few weeks.


Maths Activities

In maths, we often do practical activities to reinforce concepts we have been learning. We have been learning about angles and played different games within a group to help us to have a better knowledge and understanding. We used a variety of game boards from Heinemann Active Maths for the activities.

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Our Visit to Saltcoats Library

On Monday 24th October we went for a visit to our local library. While we were there completed a quiz about books and the library itself. We also used a contents book to help us discover what non-fiction books the library holds. Finally, we were given the chance to explore the library.

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