Wider Achievements!

Each week a few children from the class share a wider achievement. They can present their achievement in any way they want and we have had children do things such as show photos on a power point presentation, bring in trophies and display something which they have collected. At the end of the talk, the rest of the class are invited to ask questions. We all really enjoy getting to hear some of the interesting things which our class mates get up to outside of school.

Here are some pictures of some wider achievements that we have heard so far!

ptdc1170 ptdc1171

ptdc1173 ptdc1174 ptdc1175 ptdc1193 ptdc1194 ptdc1197

4 thoughts on “Wider Achievements!”

  1. Well done to those of you who have done your wider achievement talks already. From the pictures, I can guess what you all spoke about except for Lilia and Celine??? What did you girls talk about?

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