Mrs Thomas spent time with us one day talking about her time living in Australia. She had lots of interesting stories to tell us and she brought along lots of photos to show us of her life in Australia. We got the chance to ask her questions about Australia and her life there. Some of us (including Miss Kerr) thought that Australia sounded amazing…until Mrs Thomas showed us a picture of a Huntsman spider she found in the bathroom one day!!!
Mrs Thomas even brought in her didgeridoo to let us have a try! This was such a great laugh but only a few people managed to get a sound from it! It must be the brass lessons that helped Emma get the best sound from it!
Thank you Mrs Thomas!!!
I loved visiting your class and sharing my experiences. I was impressed by your knowledge particularly of Australian animals. Yes I was really brave the day that the Huntsman spider visited (well if you call screaming at the top of my voice, really brave!). I don’t think we’ve got any budding Didgeridoo players in P5/6 – well maybe Emma:-)
It was really hard at first but then I got a really loud strong noise