

We used a printing technique to recreate a sky of fireworks.  The finished pictures are very effective.  We all enjoyed Fireworks Night and shared our experiences.  We understand the importance of keeping safe around fireworks.


Kaitlin- ‘It was fun and I was excited to see it when it was all finished’

Kerr- ‘It was really fun and very colourful’

Liam- ‘We were doing well with the printing as it was a bit tricky’


Alexander- ‘Always keep your distance from fireworks and don’t go near them when they are being set off’

Bryony- ‘Don’t stand next to fireworks as you could get burnt’

Taylor- ‘When a firework is finished don’t go near it as it may still explode’

Ashley- ‘You should always have an adult with you on Firework’s Night’

Caelin- ‘Fireworks have a warning sign to say how far you should keep back but it is safe to stay back even further’


Multiplication and Division

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We have been developing our multiplication and division skills through playing games.  We think Splat, Bingo and board games are fun ways to help us learn our times tables and they also help us work well in groups.

Mark M- ‘The board game helps me develop my division skills’

Robbie- ‘We were learning our division through play’

Rosie- ‘It was fun but really made us think’

Kerr- ‘It was fun and we had to be quick to answer’

Iain- ‘It helps us when we come to divide as we will know it better’

Emma M- ‘It allows us to learn our times tables quickly’



Sharing With Parents- Reading Comprehension

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It was great to show our families the strategies we use when developing our reading comprehension skills.  We discussed the new strategies we have been using from the Taryn Moir reading project.  An example of a strategy is visualise which helps us to picture the text as if it was a film.  Using these strategies has helped us understand the story of Roald Dahl’s ‘The Witches’ which is our current topic.