Group work



This week our group working activity involved thinking about and discussing how to be a good friend.

“We had to find the pictures that showed children being kind to each other,” said Corran.  “I had to take part in the activity.”


“We had to use a clear, talking voice when we were discussing the card,” suggested Rhys.



“I went on the big E and I had to go on the Google search box so that I could find out information about Scotland,” said Maisie.

“We found out that the Scottish flag is called the Saltire,” said Sophie.

Group work

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We listened to the story of Katie Morag Delivers the Mail and then we had to work together to sequence the story events.

“All my group had to help each other,” said Jackson.  ” We had to say I don’t agree or I agree with that because…and give a reason.  We were to speak kindly to each other.”




Mrs Dunlop came to teach us maths and we used the Rekenreks to help with our number sense.

“We had to listen to the drum and move that number of beads over, ” said Leigh.

“We were using the 100 Rekenreks for the first time,” said Ethan.

Our Visit to the Library


“The ladies in the library set up a treasure hunt for us.  You had to find all the pictures with Scottish things on them.  I knew what some of the Scottish things were but I didn’t know where all the places were,” said Emma.  “So I learned some new names of places in Scotland.”


“We looked at books about Scotland and we had to write the title and the author,” said Logan.



“We listened to the Gruffalo story and when Jackie said the word Gruffalo I had to hold a toy Gruffalo out.  I had to listen very carefully,” said Callum.

Naomi said, ” It was the Gruffalo in Scots.”



“I was colouring in a Scottish castle picture while I was in the pizza shop,” said Alfie.