Easter Service – 29.3.17

Today we had our Easter service. Niamh and Shane read a reading at the service. They had to speak in a loud clear voice. We all sang the song, ‘Spring Chicken’ with Primary 2 and 3. Our mums and dads gave us a big clap when we finished singing.

Niamh said, ‘I liked when I had to say my reading because I made sure I said it in a clear voice.’

Shane said, ‘I felt good saying a reading at the service.’

Ryan said, ‘I liked when we were singing the song.’

Money Sense – 27.3.17

Today we had three special visitors from the bank into our class to help us learn about money.  We completed three different activities. We looked at what things we need to buy with money and what things people buy because they want them. With our special visitors we looked at what we might need to buy for a dog.

Katie said, ‘I liked when we had to decide what things you needed to buy for a dog.’

Sharing with Parents – 20.3.17

This week our parents came into our class to see what we have been learning. We showed them how great we are at typing a sentence on the laptops and we also showed them some of the games we play on the iPads. We also showed them our blog. They were amazed that we have our own blog and some of us even posted a post on our blog with our parents.

Niamh said ,’I liked showing my dad the games we play on the ipads.’

Naomi said, ‘I liked showing my mum how I can type on the laptop.’








We have been learning how to write a sentence on the laptops. We have learned how to use the space bar key, the capital key, the return key and the key for a full stop.

Niamh said, ‘I liked when we had to use the full stop key to end our sentence.’

Cobyn said, ‘I worked as a team with Ellie. We listened to one another and took turn to right the words.’

Fair-trade Friday!

Today we have been learning about Fair-Trade. We had to look for the Fair-Trade symbol on different items and if it had the symbol we put it on the big Fair-Trade symbol.

We also dressed up wearing Fair-Trade colours!

Ryhann said, ‘I liked wearing my dress down clothes.’

Allie said, ‘The Fair-Trade colours are blue, black and a yellow green.’

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