Largs Campus Library Learning Website

Earth – Environment



Resources for COP26

1)     Access to the short animation Migrants (French production) for a £1 for all schools as part of the Discovery Film Festival at the DCA – only till 7/11. Read more info here. It has resources to develop French & cross curricular resources linked to literacy.

2)      Ebook Climate change resources aimed at primary linked to Migrants focusing on Gaelic, French & Spanish based on the existing English cross curricular resources available to support Migrants.

3)      Nov Daily Challenges Calendar – learning for sustainability month of activities/resources

4)      Linking Languages Across the Curriculum – Learning for sustainability focus – an e-book with some ideas

5)      Padlet with ideas linked to COP26 & languages – more language based than literacy but worth sharing!


Everything is available through this website:


Rainforests Virtual Class Visit, from NA ERS

Rainforest Virtual Class Visit

General Resources

 Edugreen This site, developed in India looks at a wide range of  environmental learning topics

           U S Environmental Protection Agency Learning Resources on a range of topics associated with the environment

            Learning Through Landscapes Scotland     This site, previously known as Grounds for Learning, looks at the benefits of outdoor play and learning abut the environment

         World Resources Institute Looks at the global impact that the environment and development has on a range of factors, including climate, energy and food.

Interactive Resources

 BBC Scotland – A game to encourage more understanding about recylcling and looking after the environemnt

Global Warming and Climate Change

               BBC Newsround   A guide to global warming, from CBBC

 Issues Online an excellent selection of articles on climate change from Issues Online.

          Please note: access to this website is not free. The Library no longer has a subcription; if you think it is worthwhile, restarting the subscription, please email Ms Newbury

                  Physics and Ethics Education Project This website looks at the impact of climate change on all our lives, and questions why we should all be concerned


          Recycle City  

 A fun resource to learn how everyone can play their part in recycling. From the US Environmental Protection Agency

                Issues Online   An excellent selection of articles on waste and recycling from Issues Online.

Please note: access to this website is not free. The Library no longer has a subcription; if you think it is worthwhile, restarting the subscription, please email Ms Newbury

   Recycle More  

       Excellent information and advice on recycling a range of materials including  plastic, batteries, food and glass


 Energy Saving Trust Helping everyone save energy every day

  The Children’s University of Manchester  Looks at a range of topics associated with energy and the environment

           Edugreen Has good information on different types or renewable, and non renewable energy

   Energy Kids A well-laid out website with easy-to-understand information, games and activities, and resources for teachers. From the US Energy Information Administration

       National Energy Foundation   Information from      an independent organisation which promote the most efficient use of energy

     Electric Auto Association Looks at the benefits of using electric cars


         Wateraid Information on the importance of water as aresource, from an organisation which brings water ang good hygiene to areas of the word which needs them

                Edugreen Good information on a variety of water-related topicS

        Zero Waste Scotland Has lots of information and advice on recyling and reusing to ensur ethat othing is wasted


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