Our S3 Travel and Tourism class were tasked with making a short slideshow video for Qualities of Good Customer Service using iMovie on the iPads.
Great work – see for yourself!
Our Travel and Tourism class were tasked with making a short tourism advert for their chosen Scottish city using iMovie on the iPads.
Great work – see for yourself!
Dog Therapy Background Information
Research shows that young people can become nervous and stressed when reading to others in a group. However, when a therapy dog enters the group, they often become less stressed, less self-conscious and more confident as the dogs are non-judgemental.
Therapy dogs provide comfort, encourage positive social behaviours, enhance self-esteem, motivate speech and inspire young people to have fun.
The Faculty of Pupil Support are now offering pupils Travel and Tourism at Largs Academy.
For more information click here.
For more information click here.
Tel: 01475 687687
Email: largs@ea.n-ayrshire.sch.uk
For more information on The John Muir Award > https://www.johnmuirtrust.org/john-muir-award/john-muir-award-introduction
Mrs Abercrombie
Mrs Gillespie
Mrs Gray
Mrs Logan
Mrs Robertson
Mrs Moore
Mr Scott
Dr Smith
Miss O’Hara
Tel: 01475 687687
Email: largs@ea.n-ayrshire.sch.uk