Author Archives: gw11mcclurekathryn@glow

Primary E goes to the Science Centre

We went to the Science Centre as part of science week.


Secondary A



We have been busy being out and about, having lots of new experiences and practising our skills..  We would like to show you some of things we have been up to.

Our IDL for last term was Growth and Change and we looked at how we have changed and were using the iPad to take different pictures of ourselves.  This term our IDL is a Night at the Theatre.  We have been trying on different hats and practising our poses.

We have celebrated a birthday and we have had a visitor,

Secondary A


We would like to introduce you to our new class mates


Our dino eggs hatched and we have two new class mates.  We took a vote and decided on their names..

We would like to introduce you to Dino Dan and Stella…


GM choosing name




Secondary -A -asaurs

Some of things we have been up to in Secondary A


We would like to share with you some of the things that we have been up to so far this school year..

There are lots more things to share and we will be back on soon.


Secondaraurs Arexs

Baby Dinosaurs


We just wanted to share our pictures of growing our baby dinosaurs…  GM brought us a dinosaur back when he went on a dinosaur adventure.

We will post more pictures of the new arrivals when they arrive.

The Secondarasuars Arexs

GM getting ready to put the egg into its nest

GM helping get the egg into its nest



1The first sign of our dinosaur growing