Category Archives: What’s Happening

Seniors head to Arran

Despite a dull, wet Monday morning, Bute class staff and pupils were in good spirits as they headed to Ardrossan for the ferry to Arran. They will visit the outdoor centre for 5 days. A special thank you to: Mrs Johnson, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Kelly, Mrs Peters and Mr Bowen who have all give up their bank holiday today 👍😄. We cannot wait till we see some of your blogs.

How Good is our School?

On the in-service day staff worked in groups to evaluate the work of the school. We discussed how good are we?, what evidence we have, and what our next steps should be. We reflected on: learning, teaching and assessment, wellbeing and inclusion, raising attainment and achievement, leadership and change and engaging families in learning. We will use the information along with our recent parental questionnaires to help us plan next years priorities.



Parent’s Evening

During Parent’s evening, we will be gathering your views through  a survey to help us understand what we are doing well as a school and what we need to improve on.  We are trying to encourage parents to complete surveys on line now in a bid to be more environmentally friendly and … because Google Forms is very clever and provides us with statistical analysis.  To this end, a few laptops will be provided tomorrow night and the link will be uploaded to the blog to access the survey.  However, should you wish a hard copy to fill in, we can still provide this for you.


Makaton Enhancement

Thank you to Elspeth Mair who delivered Makaton Enhancement training to staff from both Haysholm and James McFarlane school.  13 members of staff successfully completed the course over 3 consecutive Saturdays.  This Saturday, they devised an action plan so that the two schools can take forward further improvements next session on the usage of Makaton to raise attainment in  literacy for our children and young people.