All home learning activities for this period of Lockdown will be shared via Seesaw by your child’s class teacher. You can, however, revisit some of the activities blogged during previous lockdown. Our ‘For parents section’ also has lots of useful websites and links including Education Scotland’s complex hub page. If there is anything else we can provide you with for home, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Category Archives: Skye Class
Health Week Friday
Our fabulous film director Mrs Wilson has put together a fun video showing how exercise helps us all to feel happy and the importance of rest and relaxation!
Can anyone join in with running, jumping, dancing, stretching?
Remember to have your families give you a pamper session afterwards!
Hope everyone has a lovely summer holiday. All of the staff are looking forward to seeing everyone again in August!
Happy Summer Holidays Skye class
Good morning Skye class!
Yeah today it’s Friday and it’s time for SUMMER HOLIDAYS!!!! I am so proud of you for all the good work you have done at home and all of your achievements this year!!! Well done!!! I am looking forward to seeing you again at school in August!
Have a lovely summer holiday!!!
Hello Everyone
Hello everyone,
Today as part of Health Week we are focusing on healthy eating.
Why not start your day with a healthy smoothie. I have uploaded 2 easy recipes. The only ingredients you need are strawberries, oranges bananas and milk.
strawberry and banana smoothie
Michael has created a Healthy Food Game to test your knowledge, why not try it out.
At lunch you could try making a Pitta Pocket. You will need tomato, cucumber, cheese and a pitta pocket of course. Alternatively you could be a bit more adventurous by making a ratatouille, using courgette, tomato and aubergine. The recipes and visual instructions are uploaded for you to follow.
Ingredients and Resources for Ratatouille
You can listen to and watch some music and a short film about healthy food and keeping yourself healthy.
For tea you could make a Baked Risotto or Healthy Pasta. These recipes were popular in Mull Class this term in Home Economics. The recipes are uploaded for you.
Finally, something sweet. Here is a recipe for a Fresh Fruit Flapjack, made with a soft fruit of your choice.
Hopefully there will be a recipe or activity here for you to try out today as part of Health Week.
Happy cooking and baking and have a great day!
Health Week Monday
Good morning everyone,
I hope you all had a lovely weekend! I know today the weather is not that great but it’s the last week and then it’s Summer Break!
As you know this week is Health Week! Today is Monday and Skye class has organised a Yoga activity.
I hope you all like it! Have a lovely day!
Gruffalo Story to enjoy!
Good Morning Skye Class
Its Friday and have made a wee video of a story you might like to watch! Its called the Gruffalo, and we all love this book!
If the weather isn’t so good today you might want to stay in and listen to the story with me. I have done some Makaton Signs too – see if you can learn a new sign!
Have a nice day everyone…. and a lovely weekend when it comes!
Mrs Inglis
Good morning Skye class
Good morning Skye class,
I hope you are all well and having good time at home!
You all love watching and listening to Makaton songs. I am pretty sure that “Makaton time” is one of your favourite activities at school as you are waiting patiently for your turn to choose your preferred song. There are so many songs that you like: 5 little firemen, The wheels on the bus, Little Peter Rabbit, 3 little monkeys, We’re going to the zoo, Old MacDonald had a farm and many many more…
Today we chose one of your favourite songs “Walking through the jungle”. I hope you like it!
Have a lovely day and you know I am here anytime you want anything!
Skye class memories
Good morning Skye class,
I hope you all had a lovely weekend!
We only have two weeks left for our summer holidays and I have been thinking all the great work you all have done. We are all so proud of you! However, in Skye class we are not only learning new things, but we are having fun! And today I have a video for you with some of our best moments! I know you haven’t seen your friends all this time and I am sure you miss them as much as we miss you.
So get a comfy seat and let’s watch SKYE CLASS BEST MEMORIES.
I hope you have a good day!
Science – simple forces!
Good Morning!
This week we have been looking at science. Miss Mitrou explored ice and water and Mrs Clarke was looking at floating and sinking.
Today I was going to show you some forces.
Force is what makes things move. We looked at some simple forces during our toys topic, like shaking and rolling.
Using items at home you can try some of my ideas to explore what makes things move. Even just spending 5 minutes exploring these ideas can be fun…. I know everyone enjoyed rolling when we did it in class! So here are some ideas for rolling.
I made a video about ‘rolling’.
You could look in your house for different things and find out whether they can roll? Rolling on a smooth surface things move faster, and on a bumpy surface outside (or carpet) things move slower? You might use a ramp to make things move faster.
But I have some other ideas you might want to explore using different forces. You can move items using blowing (using air to move things).
I made another wee video, this one is about ‘blowing’ .
You can try blowing a paper ball. You can use a straw to blow. You can make a fan to move air and move the ball. Or get some help and use a hairdryer! What makes the paper ball move the most? Or just have fun blowing bubbles! These experiments are fun to do and help you understand how things move.
Make a fan activity. I made another video of me making a very simple fan – all you need is paper (and some pens if you want to decorate it). This might be useful when the weather is very hot too – you can use it to blow cool air on your face. It is a lovely sensory experience to feel the air!
Also there is a link below to some sesame street videos all about forces!
So lots of ideas to look at – maybe you would like to try one at home. Just to experience the different ways things can move….
The main thing is to have fun!
Stay safe…
Mrs Inglis
Skye Class water activity
Good Morning Skye Class,
Today’s Activity is about Floating and Sinking. I have attached worksheets that you can use or make a template of your own at home. I hope you have fun finding out what items sink or float, you can use the items recommended or other toys if you prefer. The most important thing is to have fun! I’ve made a short video just to say hello to you all and show you how to get started. All worksheets and learning intentions are attached to this blog.