Category Archives: Lewis Class

Spring sensory activities!

Hello everyone!

Here’s a lovely sensory activity to try!

We are now in May, and the Spring season is here!  We can use our senses to learn about Spring. There are lots of flowers and plants to smell, touch and look at.  We might hear birds singing.  The sun might be shining.

right click and select copy

If you are in your garden or on a walk look for some Spring leaves, flowers or petals on the ground.  You can smell them, look at the different colours and touch the different textures.

There are lots of pretty plants and flowers starting to grow.

right click and select copy

Collect some and bring them home and you can make a lovely sensory tray filled with water and petals to explore.

You could use cups right click and select copy  or spoons  right click and select copy  to mix  right click and select copy  and pour  right click and select copy

Or just use your hands to explore the mixture and pick up the leaves?

Flower Soup Sensory Bin. A fun and easy outdoor spring activity for babies, toddlers and preschoolers.

Here’s a link to follow.

Have fun!  (Keep some flowers and leaves for tomorrow if you can!!)

Mrs Inglis

Good Morning Lewis Class

Good morning Lewis Class,

Today we have a story to listen to and sign along to, the story is called ” I am bat.”

You may remember this story we listened and signed along to it in Literacy week, we also tried some fruit to go along with the story.  Do you remember?

Have a nice day everyone.


story learning intention

i am bat power point with sound



Happy Tuesday Lewis Class

Good Morning Lewis Class

I hope that you all enjoyed your Monday holiday and of course we have our extra holiday this Friday, so I will be keeping my fingers crossed that the weather continues to stays good.

Today’s activity challenge is to build a den. It is something that my own two children have been enjoying doing during lockdown. They have built dens inside and outside and when out on our daily walks they have even managed to make dens in the trees.

The staff in Lewis Class love to see all that you are doing at home, so please do continue to share your photos.

Have a good day

Caroline –

right click and select copy

Friday 1st May

Hello Lewis Class, today is happy Friday! I would like you to look at the blogs we have posted this week and see if there is anything that you haven’t tried yet. Or is there anything that you would like to try again? It is good to revise and practise your skills at home. Household jobs such setting the table or putting washing in the washing machine are excellent jobs for doing on a regular basis.

I would like to make you aware of our new Youtube channel. This is where all of our videos are now going to be kept so that they are easy to find. You will be able to find videos from other classes on the channel too, now making it much easier to browse through the school’s content.

We will continue to post here on our blog as this is the best way to include visual learning intentions etc, but you can now use your Smart TV, phone or computer to search our videos without the need of going through the blog. Keep an eye out for extra fun videos put on our channel…

All you have to do now is to search ‘Haysholm School’ on Youtube!

Have a great weekend everybody!

Laura –

Thursday 30th April

Good morning everybody! Today the weather is looking a bit wet and rainy so let’s do a job inside the house. Today’s special job is to set the table. This is something that we do at school every day before snack and lunch time. Could you try this at home?

You will need to count how many people are going to be eating at the table before you gather your items. I have included a visual set of instructions down below, along with a picture of how our mat should look once it is set. You can print out the mat if you wish, or you can set a place at the table for your child to copy.

Setting the table

placemat 1

Whatever you end up doing today, I hope you have a great day!

Laura –

Good Morning Lewis Class

Happy Wednesday to you all, I hope that home schooling continues to be going well for you all.  I know from my own household that it has its challenges but am sure we will all find our way.

Today’s activity suggestion for our Lewis Class pupils is to take part in an indoor scavenger hunt. Below is a learning intention for you to share. I have also attached a scavenger hunt checklist which you can use and tick off the items as your “pupil” finds them.

Good luck with it and have a good day.

Caroline –


right click and select copy

Indoor Scavenger Hunt


Good Morning Lewis Class

I hope this finds you all well, yesterday was another sunshine day. The staff continue to enjoy seeing your pictures on Facebook, as it’s lovely for us to see all the super learning that’s going on at home.

As part of our topic this term, the pupil’s in Lewis Class have been learning about France. We have looked at pictures of the Eiffel tower and talked about how high it is. So today’s activity is to build a tower. This can be made from any materials you have in the house i.e. Lego, mega blocks, tin cans, be as inventive as you like. Let’s see how high you can build your tower before it falls down.


right click and select copy


Have a good day

Caroline –