All home learning activities for this period of Lockdown will be shared via Seesaw by your child’s class teacher. You can, however, revisit some of the activities blogged during previous lockdown. Our ‘For parents section’ also has lots of useful websites and links including Education Scotland’s complex hub page. If there is anything else we can provide you with for home, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Category Archives: Bute Class
Health Week Friday
Our fabulous film director Mrs Wilson has put together a fun video showing how exercise helps us all to feel happy and the importance of rest and relaxation!
Can anyone join in with running, jumping, dancing, stretching?
Remember to have your families give you a pamper session afterwards!
Hope everyone has a lovely summer holiday. All of the staff are looking forward to seeing everyone again in August!
Sports Day
It’s Thursday and the sun is shining.
As part of Health Week the Jura ladies have organised a special sports day for you all.
We hope to see you all have as much fun as we did.
Hello Everyone
Hello everyone,
Today as part of Health Week we are focusing on healthy eating.
Why not start your day with a healthy smoothie. I have uploaded 2 easy recipes. The only ingredients you need are strawberries, oranges bananas and milk.
strawberry and banana smoothie
Michael has created a Healthy Food Game to test your knowledge, why not try it out.
At lunch you could try making a Pitta Pocket. You will need tomato, cucumber, cheese and a pitta pocket of course. Alternatively you could be a bit more adventurous by making a ratatouille, using courgette, tomato and aubergine. The recipes and visual instructions are uploaded for you to follow.
Ingredients and Resources for Ratatouille
You can listen to and watch some music and a short film about healthy food and keeping yourself healthy.
For tea you could make a Baked Risotto or Healthy Pasta. These recipes were popular in Mull Class this term in Home Economics. The recipes are uploaded for you.
Finally, something sweet. Here is a recipe for a Fresh Fruit Flapjack, made with a soft fruit of your choice.
Hopefully there will be a recipe or activity here for you to try out today as part of Health Week.
Happy cooking and baking and have a great day!
Health Week Monday
Good morning everyone,
I hope you all had a lovely weekend! I know today the weather is not that great but it’s the last week and then it’s Summer Break!
As you know this week is Health Week! Today is Monday and Skye class has organised a Yoga activity.
I hope you all like it! Have a lovely day!
Arran and Bute Class Monday
Good morning, I hope you all had a nice weekend.
We would normally go shopping on a Monday morning- pupils could help to make a shopping list, do an online shopping order, put shopping away.
We also have rebound therapy on a Monday afternoon if anyone has a trampoline at home and would like to practise their skills- Mr Bowen has put a fantastic video on the youtube page with some ideas.
Mrs Wilson has posted a sensory art video to the youtube page for anyone looking for creative activities.
We also have a ‘Singing Hands’ session on a Monday- we practice two or three signs and then try to sign them during the song.
Look out for Health Week activities every day this week.
Have a good day.
Arran and Bute Class Frdiay
Good morning everyone.
We would normally have a movie afternoon on a Friday. Can you choose a favourite film to watch with your families? Can you sign the name of your favourite film? Maybe you could help to prepare special snacks to share with your families.
Mrs Wilson has added a sensory art activity for anyone wishing to try.
Have a good weekend!
Arran and Bute Class Thursday
Good morning everyone. According to the forecast, this has to be one of our few dry days so hope you make the most of the weather!
Thursday is our Home Economics day. Could you help to prepare a snack or meal for yourself or your family? You could also set the table, clean up after meal times, help to wash the dishes. Mrs Campbell has added some cookery videos to the Haysholm youtube channel for anyone who would like to try out a recipe.
We also do our yoga programme on a Thursday. Mrs Wilson has added a video on the youtube channel.
Have a good day.
Arran and Bute Class Wednesday
Good morning everyone.
Wednesday is normally our fitness suite day. You could follow some youtube videos for fun exercise- The Learning Station have lots of fun dances, Cosmic Yoga is fab and don’t forget our Fit 15 videos. You could also go for a walk or cycle outside.
Mrs Campbell has added a few gardening videos to the youtube page- would anyone like to try some planting?
Have a good day.
Arran and Bute Class Monday
Good morning, I hope you all had a nice weekend.
We would normally go shopping on a Monday morning- pupils could help to make a shopping list, do an online shopping order, put shopping away.
We also have rebound therapy on a Monday afternoon if anyone has a trampoline at home and would like to practise their skills- Mr Bowen has put a fantastic video on the youtube page with some ideas.
Mrs Wilson has posted a sensory art video to the youtube page for anyone looking for creative activities.
We also have a ‘Singing Hands’ session on a Monday- we practice two or three signs and then try to sign them during the song.
Have a good day.