Category Archives: Arran Class

Arran and Bute Class Thursday

Good morning everyone.

Thursday is our Home Economics day.  Could you help to prepare a snack or meal for yourself or your family? You could also set the table, clean up after meal times, help to wash the dishes. Mrs Campbell has added a cookery video to the Haysholm youtube channel for anyone who would like to try out a recipe.

We also do our yoga programme on a Thursday. Mrs Wilson has added a video on the youtube channel.

There are also lots of other videos on youtube for anyone looking for other ideas.

Have a good day.


50 Things To Do when school is not available – challenge 6

Challenge 6

Good morning everyone,

You may have seen or heard in social media that some schools are planning a ‘uniform day’ on Friday.  As this would be confusing to our children and young people, one of our mum’s has come up with an alternative idea which is one of Haysholm’s favourites!  We all love a pyjama day and have had such good fun in school before carrying out activities in our PJs.  Therefore on Friday 15th May, our teachers blogs will focus on activities linked to a PJ whole community event.

Remember it’s up to you whether you choose to take part or not.  All our teachers will be working from home in their PJ’s, myself included : )) so if you can … share photos via Facebook, Twitter or to the number you have and we can have a giggle #fun and #wellbeing.


Arran and Bute Class Wednesday

Good morning everyone.

Wednesday is normally our fitness suite day. You could follow some youtube videos for fun exercise- The Learning Station have lots of fun dances, Cosmic Yoga is fab and don’t forget our Fit 15 videos. You could also go for a walk or cycle outside.

We also visit the allotment on a Wednesday. How are your plants coming along? Have you done any other work in the garden? Planting, weeding, sweeping, litter picking, painting, using a lawnmower?

Have a good day

Diane 🙂

Arran and Bute Class Tuesday

Good morning everyone.

On a Tuesday we would normally visit the public library. Could you choose a new book at home to look at? Previous blogs have lots of ideas of what you could do with your book for anyone who wishes.

We also have a STEM afternoon on a Tuesday. I have attached an activity made by Mrs Wilson.  She is also working on making some Science videos on the youtube channel.

Sensory Science -Rainbow Milk

Have a good day.

Diane 🙂

Arran and Bute Class Monday

Good morning, I hope you all had a nice long weekend.

We would normally go shopping on a Monday morning- pupils could help to make a shopping list, do an online shopping order, put shopping away.

We also have rebound therapy on a Monday afternoon if anyone has a trampoline at home and would like to practise their skills.

We choose ‘Singing Hands’ songs to watch and focus on copying two or three signs in the songs- I’ll share a few that we watch in class but there will be a whole range if you search on youtube.

Have a good day.

Diane 🙂


Arran and Bute Class Thursday

Good morning everyone.

Thursday is our Home Economics day.  Could you help to prepare a snack or meal for yourself or your family? You could also set the table, clean up after meal times, help to wash the dishes. Mrs Campbell has added a cookery video to the Haysholm youtube channel for anyone who would like to try out a recipe.

We also do our yoga programme on a Thursday. Mrs Wilson has added a video on the youtube channel.

Have a good day.


Arran and Bute Class Wednesday

Good morning everyone.

Wednesday is normally our fitness suite day. You could follow some youtube videos for fun exercise- The Learning Station have lots of fun dances, Cosmic Yoga is fab and don’t forget our Fit 15 videos. You could also go for a walk or cycle outside.

We also visit the allotment on a Wednesday. How are your plants coming along? Have you done any other work in the garden? Planting, weeding, sweeping, litter picking, painting, using a lawnmower?

Have a good day

Diane 🙂

Arran and Bute Class Tuesday

Good morning everyone.

On a Tuesday we would normally visit the public library. Could you choose a new book at home to look at? Previous blogs have lots of ideas of what you could do with your book for anyone who wishes.

We also have a STEM afternoon on a Tuesday. Does anyone have a VR headset at home?

I have included a Science activity to make slime if anyone would like to give it a try:


Have a good day.

Diane 🙂

Arran and Bute Class Friday

Good morning everyone.  The weather is looking nice so far for the start of the bank holiday weekend.

We would normally have a movie afternoon on a Friday. Can you choose a favourite film to watch with your families? Can you sign the name of your favourite film? Maybe you could help to prepare special snacks to share with your families.

Have a good long weekend.

Diane 🙂

Arran and Bute Class Thursday

Good morning everyone.

I loved seeing the photos and videos that you all sent!

Thursday is our Home Economics day.  I know Mrs Campbell has been working on some recipes to share with you. Could you help to prepare a snack or meal for yourself or your family? You could also set the table, clean up after meal times, help to wash the dishes.

We also do our yoga programme on a Thursday. My laptop will not let me copy the visuals so I’m working on setting up a new document that you can access. I have attached the one we use in class but you would have to download the free trial for smart notebook software to open it. It’s available here for anyone who would like to try as it is quite popular with the pupils.


Have a good day.

Diane 🙂