Author Archives: Mrs Clarke

Skye Class water activity

Good Morning Skye Class,

Today’s Activity is about Floating and Sinking. I have attached worksheets that you can use or make a template of your own at home. I hope you have fun finding out what items sink or float, you can use the items recommended or other toys if you prefer😊. The most important thing is to have fun! I’ve made a short video just to say hello to you all and show you how to get started. All worksheets and learning intentions are attached to this blog.

right click and select copy



Hi Skye Class

Good Morning Skye Class,

I hope you are all well and have been enjoying this lovely weather. This week we are learning about our senses and i thought we could be outdoors looking at nature. We see lots of lovely things around us everyday but sometimes we don’t stop to really take in the beauty. I have attached a nature hunt that you could take part in when out a walk or even in your back garden. Its all about looking so get outside and keep your eyes peeled for some of the items on the list.

right click and select copy

right click and select copy

right click and select copy

Another short activity i have attached is using our senses to explore nature what do we see, smell, hear and feel. Write down or draw what you have experienced! I have also attached a short story about a wee caterpillar which is something you might find when looking at nature. Have fun everyone.          T-T-16338-Our-Summer-Nature-Walk-Writing-Frame



play a game

Hi Skye Class,

I hope you are all well and staying safe.  Today I thought you might like to play a game with your family. It can be a lot of fun playing games and it can help you with your learning too. They can help you with your counting, number recognition, how to take turns and share and problem solving, the list is endless ! If you have a favourite game at home play along with your family or even try a new game that may be someone else’s favourite. If you don’t have any board games then why don’t you try making one such as Skittles for bowling, throw the teddy in the hoop or even Tic Tac Toe (naughts and crosses). I have attached a learning intention. I hope you all have fun whatever you decide to play.right click and select copy

VE Day


Hi Skye Class,

I hope you are all well and enjoyed your weekend, I can see from Twitter/Facebook you have been busy.

As it was V.E day over the holidays I thought we could do some activities that are related to the VE celebrations that have been going on, I know if we had been in School we would have celebrated this. Here are a few links to give you some ideas and if you have a printer you can print some the activities off.  All these activities can be made into sensory play too, you could finger-paint a flag or make a flag from play dough or something more creative like a red, white and blue themed sensory tray. Whatever you do please have fun and stay safe.

right click and select copy

right click and select copy


Good Morning Skye Class 

I thought today  we could continue to learn our  colours whilst learning how to make a pattern. I have made a few templates of patterns you can copy and also fill in the missing colours. You can make your own pattern, use the templates or use objects around the house. This can also be a sensory activity as you can use playdough, materials or food to make a pattern. Enjoy touching and tasting the pattern you make :). Here are a few patterns I made earlier today. pattern learning intention

pattern                                               pattern 2


Fine motor skills fun


Building Bricks

Hi Skye Class Families,

Sorry this message is full of links but this was the easiest way for me to download the videos. There is a video attached of me playing with my lego bricks and some ideas of what you could do with your lego bricks, enjoy. I hope you are all well and have been enjoying the lovely weather. I have also attached some learning intentions.

build a tower building the eiffel tower count the lego bricks match lego by colour sensory play coloured lego sensory play make a pattern in playdough


Skye Class Household Jobs

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all well and enjoying this lovely weather. I have made up some learning intentions and instructions for some household chores. In Skye Class all the boys and girls enjoy class jobs and I thought they could transfer these skills at home to give a wee helping hand. How to make toast doing the dishes Snack learning intention Wash dishes learning intention recycle learning intention


Hi Everyone,

Here is  a link from TacPac that offers parents set 5 of Tacpac free of charge for 3 months to use at home. Thought this would be useful for some of our children who enjoy Tacpac sessions at school. They are also compiling a series of short training videos on Facebook to help everyone get started and to get the best out of the sessions.  Parents should click the link below and at checkout add the code 8Q7A3TXS. Once done direct parents to to watch the short video.

Tacpac draws together touch and music to create a structured session of sensory communication between two people

Hope this is helpful 😊