Some of our pupils attend Ayrshire college. some pictures of them brushing up on their art skills.
Some of our pupils attend Ayrshire college. some pictures of them brushing up on their art skills.
CK is making a start on tidying the garden.
Arran class made the most of the snowy weather, making footprints in the snow.
Bute and Arran class joined in Burns Celebrations by making Scottish snacks and PL recited an extract from the famous Burns poem Tam O’Shanter, with his class mates joining in for last few lines.
The boys in Bute class laid flowers at our memorial tree to remember our friend Craig.
Arran class made chutney in cookery this week.
Arran class made a picture of the Loch Ness Monster with different materials giving the mosaic effect.
We all enjoyed meeting the donkeys before Christmas. CK especially enjoyed taking the donkey for a walk.
Mull class pupils were exploring the trees, leaves and mud in the track for their maths week activity. There were lovely colours on display as KR, CI, CH, SS and LM sorted the leaves according to their colour, then counted the muddy mole hills around the track. CI and LM enjoyed feeling the texture of the leaves and trees as they sorted them whilst KR, SS and CH used the leaves as templates for an art activity back in class.
Mull class pupils enjoyed a variety of different activities this week ranging from the Gruffalo to Marymass. KR, SS, LM, CI and CH all got hands on with preparing our Marymass wall display, cutting, gluing, painting and glittering paper flowers for the display. After all that hard work we were enjoying relaxing in the pink room, exploring the different books and finally sitting down and listening to the story of the Gruffalo.