Author Archives: Miss Palmer


Good morning Jura class

A nice activity to try is to feel the grass and the mud with your bare feet.

right click and select copy

You can choose to do this on a sunny day or a rainy day or you could try both days 🙂

right click and select copy

Can’t wait to see your pictures of you feeling the grass and mud with your feet. Can you tell me how you felt the grass and mud was? Here is a little video of me feeling the grass and mud. Hope you have a good day.

50 Things – Making a bug home

Good Morning Jura Class :),

Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Before school stopped we were working on our bug home for 50 Things and I thought it would be fun to continue this at home.

At school we used half a plastic bottle to fill for our bug home but you can use whatever items you have at home. There’s a lot of items that can be found in the garden that the bugs would love for their home.

This is a worksheet you could use or you could use a piece of paper or pictures to record what bugs you have found in your bug home. I cant wait to hear what bugs you have found.

Here is a wonderful video of Mrs Millar making her bug home that you might like to watch.