Author Archives: Mrs Gribben

Happy World Autism Day

Many of the pupils who attend Haysholm are diagnosed with Autism.  The Coronavirus situation is very challenging due to the massive change in routine that it has caused.  If you can create some sense of routine and structure and home, this will help tremendously. Use of visuals will help your child know and understand what is expected of them.

There are some excellent resources on our website in the ‘For Parents’ section that you can use to help support understanding and predictability including the school closure kit.    If you would like a hard copy of this or any other visuals for home, please do not hesitate to get in touch and we can deliver.

Meantime, let’s celebrate the skills, talents, unique abilities that our pupils do have … every single one of them brings a smile to our faces.

Happy World Autism Day

Visuals for Home

Many of our parents use visuals at home and find them very useful.

Here is a super school closure pack which comes with instructions for you to use.  I hope you find them helpful. Click on the link to download the pack.

School Closure Kit

If anybody would like a copy dropped off, please tell Mrs G or Mrs B when we drop in for our virtual cuppa tomorrow.


50 Things to do when school is ‘not available’ – Challenge 3

Good morning to all of our Haysholm superstars.  I have attached the next challenge for you to carry out.


Please share your photographs or video using your preferred platform:  Facebook, Twitter (@haysholm_school) or by emailing me:

This challenge is one that the whole family can get involved in.  If you let me know your song choice I will create a Haysholm playlist and share via a link.

Stay happy whilst staying safe and remember to be kind

Useful Links

There is so much information that we are trying to collate and put into one location so it is easy for you to find.  Please find attached a link from Education Scotland which is aimed at specifically supporting families who have a complex needs child.  I hope you find it useful

In the parents section of our website, you will find links to all of the organisations that are listed.

Yvonne x

Complex needs resource

Social Story

Coronavirus social story

Now that your child has had time to process that they are out of their routine and no longer at school for the moment.  Here is a simple social story that you can share with them.  Most  of our children and young people are familiar with Boardmaker symbols and this is the symbol system that we will be using in our new school.

You can use the story along with the calendars that you were sent home.  Marking off the calendar each day with a X is a helpful way of learners being able to identify what day of the week it is.

Remember you can email your child’s teacher for any support or advice during these challenging times.


Sharing Photos

Loving all of these super photographs and videos, thank you for sending and keep sharing either via email, facebook or if you tweet @hayshom when you are tweeting.  It’s important for us all to stay connected with each other during these challenging times.  All of the staff are really enjoying seeing the photographs so a big thank you!

It will also help with the ‘smiling therapy’ x