Week ending 4/03/2016

Star pupil for last week was…………Sarah Sharkey She was a responsible citizen participating in our class Robert Burns assembly.

  And star pupil for this week was……….Jack Taylor  He was also a responsible citizen for reciting the Selkirk Grace at our Robert Burns assembly.

We have started a new block for P.E.. Our learning intention is I am learning to play games.  We played tennis.  There was lots of smiles and good hand eye co-ordination.  WATCH OUT WIMBLEDON!!!


Spring is upon us.  We have a new class activity called Plant it, grow it, eat it.  We are learning all about plant growth.  We have chosen to grow potatoes which we will use during our Home Economics to make healthy soup for our lunch.  This is G and S chitting our potatoes.107_2920 107_2923 107_2925

Celebration topic this week was all about Mother’s Day.  We all made lovely cards for our mums, which we wrote on our own names and lots of kisses.

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This week’s junior blogger was………107_2953

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