Why not spend some time over the weekend looking at your baby photos.
Numeracy/Maths Centres
Today, I would like you to complete the Challenge/ Extension Centre.
Please complete the following word problems. Remember to draw a picture to help you.
How to post work on the blog
If you want to upload your work on to glow you must log in using your personal glow log in details provided in the pack. Here is a short video to show you how…IMG_8907
Now that you have logged in using your personal glow log in, you will be able to post your work and photos. Here is a short video to show you how…
Phonics Friday
For literacy today, I would like you to practise the phonics flashcards, provided in the literacy learning pack at the start of primary 2.
Following this, I would like you to read your groups phonics poem and write down all the words containing your groups sound.
If you can think of any more words with your sound add them to your list. Ideally, I would like you to have 10 spelling words.
Next, I would like you to choose an activity from the Tic-Tac-Toe spelling grid to practise your spelling words.
Consonant Group– Words with the ‘oa’ sound.
Vowel Group– Words ending in ‘op’.
Remember to take photos of your work and post on the blog.
Happy Friday
Good morning primary 2, I hope you are all safe and well.
International Dance Day
As it is International Dance Day, why not make up your own dance or learn a new one. Fans of Tik Tok could do one from there. Have Fun!
Numeracy/Maths Centres
Today I would like you to complete the Spiral Review Centre.
Both groups will focus on Odd and Even Numbers. Please use the Odd and Even Poster if you need help.
Square Group worksheet-
Circle & Crew Room worksheet-
Write your answers on paper and if you can, take a picture and upload on to the blog.
Please search for Oxford Owl online.
Click on the PINK box that says My Class Log In.
Click in the search box and type in the name of the book assigned to your reading groups:
Chip Reading Group– Skyway Shock
Floppy Reading Group– Stuck in the Mud
Nosey Neighbour Reading Group– Toads in the Road
Crew Room-The King and His Wish
Please read the whole story and complete Play Activities 1+2.
Why not try to make some Unicorn Poop Biscuits.
Digital ABC Hunt and Order
For literacy today, I would like you to find 10 different items from either outdoors or inside e.g. a stone, a leaf, grass etc.
Identify the first letter of each item.
Then put your 10 items in alphabetical order using their first letters.
Please take a photograph of your 10 items in alphabetical order and upload onto the blog.