
Your task today is to share your favourite day during the Easter holidays with someone outwith your household.

You could write a letter, make and write a postcard, send an email, type a really long text or Facetime the person you want to share your news with.

If you don’t have any stamps to send a letter or postcard, why not take a picture of it on your phone and send it as a picture message.


How to post work on the blog

If you want to upload your work on to glow you must log in using your personal glow log in details provided in the pack. Here is a short video to show you how…IMG_8907

Now that you have logged in using your personal glow log in, you will be able to post your work and photos. Here is a short video to show you how…


Numeracy/Maths Centres

Today I would like you to complete the Number Fact Centre.

Can you think of 10 sums to make your groups given number?

Square Group- 23

Circle & Crew Room- 9

Why not use chalk to write your sums on the ground or fill a water bottle with water and spray your sums on the ground.


Maybe you can come up with an even better idea.  I’d love to see all of your work.

Have fun!



Good Morning

Hello primary 2, I hope you are all well and have had a lovely Easter break.  I miss seeing all your little faces.  It would be great to hear how you all are and what you have been doing during the holidays.  If you can, please leave a comment below.

How to post work on the blog

If you want to upload your work on to glow you must log in using your personal glow log in details provided in the pack. Here is a short video to show you how…IMG_8907

Now that you have logged in using your personal glow log in, you will be able to post your work and photos. Here is a short video to show you how…


Phonics Thursday

For literacy today, I would like you to practise the phonics flashcards, provided in the literacy learning pack at the start of primary 2.

Following this I would like you to read your groups phonics poem and write down all the words containing your groups sound .

Consonant Group– Words with the ‘ay’ sound.


Vowel Group– Words ending in ‘en’.

Remember to take photos of your work and post on the blog.

Maths Centre for Thursday

Good morning, I hope you are all well.  Your Maths/ Numeracy task for today is to complete Spiral Review.

Squares- Remember to use your number square in your learning packs given at the start of primary 2, if you need a little help.

Circles & Crew Room-

Record your answers on paper and remember to take a photograph and post on the blog.

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